Thursday, 25 July 2013

Day 79 - Bangor Wales - 54 kms ! The drought finally breaks !

It was nice to have our own space with two single rooms and give H a chance to test his theory on good sleep leaving the curtains closed and his room in the dark !

The theory had some substance but it did have a downside as knocking on the door at 8.00a.m. I was greeted by H having obviously woken up  only 10 secs earlier mumbling something about having got up 6 but deciding to go back to sleep ?

With the threat of a monsoonal deluge predicted in areas of the UK bringing a temporary end to the heatwave conditions, we departed Porthmadog and again headed straight into climbing mode on country lanes and trails.

While a bit cooler it was still very humid and the undulations not only had us sweating but also had us making slow progress in the wild moutain areas

After 6 days of cycling in Wales we finally emerged on to a flattish tail trail with our leg muscles  rejoicing with the effortless cycling.

At one point we even picked up the Porthmadog to Caernarfon steam train with Henley ridding at the same speed as the train amusing many of the little ones on board.

Arrival Caernarfon brought us right out alongside the  Caernarfon castle the historic 13th C castle that served as investiture for Prince Charlie in 1961

Exiting Caernarfon after a Pepsi Max (more product placement) was easy taking us along the Menai Straight where we paused for lunch watching the dark clouds roll and talking to passing locals

Sure enough after another 15 mins of riding our first rain in our 7 weeks arrived causing us to take shelter while the showers passed.

Entering Bangor for our accommodation gave me the chance to purchase a replacement tablet before we negotiated the busy town to find our accommodation on the outskirts.

The hotel is unlikely to get any rave reviews being right on a rail line and having doors that literally  slammed shut with enough noise to make you feel you were in the epi centre on of an atom bomb blast !

In fact our next door neighbour stirred H up to the point where after 5 slams we confronted him. His response " hey dudes, orry man I didn't realise as I had my ear phones in " not only made us realise how much we had terrified him but confirmed at least in language terms how old we are !

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