Thursday, 4 July 2013

Day 60 - Santander Spain - 31 Kms ! Cycle, Sand & Surf !

After 3,620 kms, freezing mountain climbs, persistent early rain, 6 punctures (all mine) and a few tubes of ass cream we finally arrived to a hotel that has some English speaking TV stations....... Oh yeah & along the way cycled in 7 Countries, through the Vecors, along the Camino and over the Pyrenees to Santander Spain !

It was another miserly breakfast (couldn't complain though too much for 49 Euros) before we departed Torrelevaga for the very last cycle leg of our trip in Europe.

Continuing along the N611 we negotiated our way out of town in busy conditions thinking we`d be in for a pretty easy day after conquering the Cantabrians the day before !

How wrong we were as the 611, breaking out into the countryside, provided a couple of real testers resulting in us to earn our way to the finish line.

A brief stop en route at Puente Arche allowed us to view a lovely 16th C bridge before our last big climb finally gave us fine views of the Santander Coastline some 8 kms away.

Santander on the coast of Nth Spain is a popular area bridged by a number of towns which appeared to make the entrance endless !

After 9 weeks of cycling in Country areas cycling into Santander was like going to sleep in the 18th C and waking up in the 22nd C such was the hustle and bustle of this lovely tourist haunt.

Our ride finally took us to the famous Sandiero beach area (much like a big version of Bondi beach) with our lovely hotel only 100 meters away from the sea and sand.

I'm sure the sight of two disheveled and very smelly Australians walking to the counter caused the receptionist of our 4 star hotel some concern.

Obviously recognising our importance, or more than likely overcome by our pungent smell, we found ourselves soon ushered to our room by a suit wearing bell hop - at least we weren't over dressed !

Henley was orgasmic when an early flick of the TV revealed not only the Tour de France but also a golf channel - I would have also mentioned that minor event called Wimbledon but H reckons no one watches that shit !

After a shower and a quick snooze we ventured down to the beach front for a look noticing very quickly that

A) few people were swimming (obviously the water was cold & -

B) a no. Of woman were topless including a group of young ones proudly bouncing around body parts that defied gravity - enjoy it while you can girls !

As Henley tells me his last surf was in 1975 it is unlikely that he will grace the water but after 60 sweaty days this is Nirvana to me so armed with riding nicks and some Dutch courage I just might be brave enough to take the plunge !

The following important questions remain with 6 days till our ferry -

Will Henley move more than the 5 ft from his bed to the TV over the 6 days ?

Will I brave the surf with my riding nicks and a suntan that makes me look like an albino Zebra ?

Will we have to tip the suit wearing bell hop again ?

Can i get close enough to establish why gravity works in such a mysterious way without getting a delayed smack around the ear by Monika ?

I'm sure you agree that these fascinating questions are worthy of more blog time over the coming days !

In the meantime - let me at that surf and sand !


  1. Well done lads. You certainly pushed yourselves through some tough conditions. The wonderful sights, and I'm not referring to the topless nubiles of Spain, will have given you both to reflect upon for years to come. For a fellow WB supporter, you are much better off in Eurpope!

    Enjoy the R&R whether it be the surf or 6 days of TV.

    We all at home will wait with eager anticipation to read your forthcoming exploits in the UK


  2. Well done guys, what a magnificent effort and now a few days off to soak up Spain, recuperate and watch the TDF. well done.

  3. If that is how they taught Gravity in my Form 4 science class, I might have passed that subject. Well done on the Blog, great reading. from Rafferty.
