-------- Original Message --------
Subject: D Day - 1 !
From: michael litchfield <m_litchfield@hotmail.com>
To: litchy1.codey@blogspot.com
Well we've both made it to the starting line after my partner in crime a disheveled KH arrived at the hotel early afternoon following his 24 hour flight from OZ !
After a session of back slapping ( the face slapping wasnt far off) we practiced our dining skills by visiting the local supermarket and putting together a meal with Monika back in our Hotel.
After a good sleep we took in some sightseeing in Amsterdam on a beautiful sunny day - me trying to wear out Kev as best as I could do with my preparation for this cycle epic a little wanting -
- Slightly overweight
- 6 rides in 12 months
- Knee playing up
- And now with the flu on the eve of our departure!
An unsympathetic Henley responded to my plight by promising no mercy somehow recalling our last adventure in 2011 in support of his stance - whats wrong with doing 140 kms on your birthday say I !
Weve reconoited the airport so expect to get at least 5 kms before getting lost - easy considering how many bike paths there are here ( 1.5 million bikes) !
The forecast is for two good days of weather before an approaching band of rain so we hope to make haste
Wish us good luck !
Kev & Mike
Good luck guys! Glad to see you made it safely Kevin, I hope you can find your bike in the 'car' park. Ride safely!