Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Day 4 - Gorinchem Holland 73 kms !

Finally .....

After taking advice from Kev`s nephew Steve who suggested we try some locally made AFL designer drugs and hearing that the Avanti lawyers were closing in we finally left Aalsmeer !

With the Avanti repaired we got off at 9.30 (we did say we were aiming for an early start) and got at least 1 km before my squealing rear wheel had us having yet another look .. finally we found the culprit the disc rotor contacting the brake calipers when the bike was under load ... hallelujah !!!

We got underway this time for real with misty conditions and high humidity being the order for the day.

Cycling at long last was a delight passing canal after canal with beautiful water facing properties many with the typical high gabled roof that Holland is renowned for. It didn't take long before we came across our first windmill and what an impressive sight they are close up.

Navigating was tricky by virtue of the many cycling paths. Hard to complain though when you see how well cyclists are looked after in Holland.

Often cyclists have their own traffic signals, cross over points on roads often require motorists to give way and the generally good condition of cycle paths that we spent 95% of the day on !

We took lunch in a town memorable only because Kev tried to throw his lunch scraps in a clothes collection bin until pulled up by a couple of dutch ladies !

We skirted beautiful looking Gouda and headed straight into strong headwinds that we battled most of the way to Gorinchem where we've settled for the night in a hotel complete with dinner that even satisfied the human vacuum cleaner KH!

Well at last were doing it , actually moving on the Europe map heading southwards towards Belgium expecting to reach there tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys. Finally you get under way. Sounds like an opening could exist for a half decent bike mechanic. The Avanti might be failing but at least you have H there to impart his experience. Now GET PEDALLING!!

