These journies vary in length with some having just started while others have made it inspiringly all the way from St.Jean Pied de Port over the Pyrenees and a few incredibly the total distance from Le Puy of 900 kms en route to Santiago de Compestalla !
As recently mentioned the sight of a guy pushing his wheelchair bound (I presume) father was particularly moving !
The reasons given by walkers are varied, some for spiritual gain, some in memory of another with many though just seeking the spendid isolation, wonderful scenery and the strong bond of human fellowship that this walk provides.
Partly based on legend mingled with a little fact the Camino at a religious level celebrates the life of one of the apostles Saint James supposedly re buried over 1400 years ago in Santiago de Compestalla.
Since the 8th Century the Camino has been one of the most popular Christian pilgrammages with an astounding 1/2 million travelling the Camino in the 11th Century !
Numbers have waxed and waned since but in the late 20th Century the walk enjoyed a resurgence of popularity.
Today it is one of the worlds most popular long distance walks and it truly is inspiring to see the people who endeavor to complete it , some a section at a time.
Whatever the reason to the individual to me undertaking the Camino today is a wonderful celebration of life !
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