Monday, 10 June 2013

Day 37 - Le Puy France - Rest day

We would have liked to have seen Ross off this morning but decided that lying in bed was preferable to getting up at 7 !

We used the morning productively though to take a quick YouTube lesson on replacing disc brake pads allowing Dr Henley to operate on the Avanti with the patient appearing to have recovered - the previous pads had little more than metal on them !

Taking a slow morning gave us time to Skype Oz to catch up with family and friends which is always a good boost to morale when you are away from home for a long spell .

After lunch we walked into the old section of this historic town along cobble stoned streets and past once fashionable merchant houses to the Notre Dame cathedral built on a veritable volcanic top with leg muscle sapping steps - i know you thought we were fit !!

Pilgrims attempting the Camino come here on the night before and the morning of their pilgrimage to attend a blessing service and receive information to help document their trip.

The familiar scalloped shaped Camino shells that we will be on the lookout for, start from the cathedral and continue in one form or another to Santiago de Compestella in Spain over 1500 kms away !

We climbed past the cathedral to the top of a rock face and to the 100 ft high statue of the Virgin Mary ( opened in 1860 to 120,000 people) with stunning views over Le Puy.

The statue being hollow on the inside allows the visitor the opportunity to climb a spiral staircase for even better views of the lovely surrounding countryside complete with dark black clouds !

Descending back to the town H was in desperate need for the toilet with the many water fountains and running water not helping his condition. He considered briefly consecrating his own holy ground not far from the statue but was able to hold off until a proper toilet became available.

We followed up by walking to the foothill of St Michael's chappel on another impressive volcanic outcrop. We narrowly avoided a torrential afternoon downpour sheltering in a chemist glad that we were not on the bikes !

Well rested, a chance to wash some clothes and at the starting point of the Camino a pilgrimage route for over 1300 years - the boys are ready !

PS - Ross covered 75 kms across rocks, trails and in parts deep mud to report a tough but rewarding day - I think we`ll be sticking to the roads !

1 comment:

  1. Kev, I don't want to get you excited, but what I'm about to tell you will headlan news in the papers, radio and TV throughout France!!

    At Docklands about 5 minutes ago, Australia beat Jordan 4-0 in a World Cup qualifier. In the next week or so, they front up to the might of Oman here in Aus. Another win and we are of to Rio next yeat.

    Pretty exciting, eh?

    I've a very good feeling about the Mighty Doggies next weekend against the Smellies. Stay posted.

