Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Day 31 - Grenoble France - Rest Day in the sun !

Another rest day and another day of good weather at 21 C almost too hot !

H undertook some emergency dental work early in the morning to improve his vocab back to 25 letters and was more than happy for the result and the cheap 25 Euro charge.

When back on deck he and Mega jumped a tram to go out to the equivalent of a French shopping center in Grenoble's outer environs in search of some camera memory cards and some much needed baby nappy cream for our tender bits.

A suggestion had been placed to the group the day before with all asses in pain, that we should form a so called daisy chain where each person would be responsible for tending the next persons ass - the resolution was strongly defeated 3-0 !

Back in town we met Ross and journeyed up to Fort Bastille a giant fort overlooking the town used as a defensive base since the 1850`s.

Its main claim to fame though comes in the iconic ride to reach it in cable cars referred affectionately to as bubbles. The views from the top were amazing. Massifs and not so distant alps born out of the constant upheaval of continental tectonic plates.

The area also served historically as a base for the French alpine troops in WW 1 and nearby French resistance in the Vectors in. WW2 with the former marked by a museum in the fort.

The lookout gave also a sense of foreboding as we could almost feel how difficult our escape will be carrying our still yet to be used camping gear !

Well so far the tally is 2,000 + kms, some pretty hard and scenic cycling complete with many funny moments

The weather is expected to stay reasonable for our escape with the rest of Europe struggling with some parts experiencing their worst floods in 500 years !

With Henley and his teeth now repaired I expect a full range of obscenities to be flowing from tomorrow !

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