Friday, 21 June 2013

Day 47 - Aire sur l`Adour France - The patient rests!

After a good 18 hours sleep, no food and some mid night vomiting it was a fair bet that Kev was not going to be up for riding today !

His symptoms of fever and pain were good indicators of some form of bladder infection so with the patient not getting much better I dragged him off to the local clinic- no mean feat when few people speak good English.

Kev emerged from a fairly cursory examination having paid the Dr directly with scripts for shares in the local chemist - still it was a step in the right direction and a course of anti biotics should help him.

Waiting for Kev to recover there is little to do in this small town but i can take comfort from the fact that at least the weather has still been crap (more rain !)

We`ll see how the patient goes tonight as he looks a little better than his earlier rigor mortis condition. With no food though he's most likely not going to have the energy to ride - I'll keep a close eye on him !


  1. Well done Nurse Mega. A few days rest, plenty of TLC and the old fella will be back to his chipper self and the local doc and chemist will have booked their next holiday to the Bahamas!


    ps: chilly in Melbourne

  2. Good job Mike you take care Kev. I reckon all those baguettes and fruit bags will stand you in good stead. Your insurance will cover the trip to the Bahamas for the Doc and chemist. Hope you are as fit as a flea ASAP. Cheers MM
