With nothing open in SDC the answer was simple, `suck it in and pedal quick`!
The N120 as a single lane trunk road was about as good as it gets ! The great surface and good verge provided for high rolling speeds and more than adequate enough separation from traffic !
Surprisingly the road also provided for good early views as it wound its way through the lovely countryside.
Numerous pilgrim walkers took advantage of the beautiful early morning conditions walking the Camino trail proper in close proximity to the road.
Approaching Belorado I got into the spirit of things by riding 1-2 kms on the Camino itself. Although unsealed it was certainly rideable and a good feeling after so much time on road !
We `Coked` in Villafranca (the legal type that is) with fellow travellers before tackling the climb of the day, a very steep and exposed section of road that climbed up to 1100 metres !
On top we were able to apply `warp speed` on a gentle down hill gradient allowing us to power along at 40-45 kms/ hr across a wild open plateau.
To complete the beautiful run it was then more downhill to Burgos arriving just in time to find ourselves right in the middle of a festival complete with cheap floats and enthusiastic revellers, many decked out in their Spanish finery !
After waiting for the parade to pass we secured a Hotel after Henley signed away his next born and his Australian land rights !
Devestated at not being able to find the TDF on TV H resorted to washing while i decided to do some exploring and walked through beautiful parks to the central area complete with shops and an absolutely stunning cathedral worthy of a more detailed look tomorrow.
Burgos now signals the end of the Camino for us with over 1,000 amazing kms traveled since we left Le Puy in France !
The sights along the way have been stunning and I'm sure I've seen H with a tear in his eyes at times, although on reflection it may well have been his bowel problem !
What about the 500 kms still to go to Santiago Compestalla ?
Personally I feel there may be a part two to this experience for myself - maybe one day walking the remainder for a close up personal experience - what say Monika ?
Tomorrow is a spare day for the lads and we plan on taking in the sites of this lovely place while also panning an escape route to Santander for Tuesday (for the latter take that as Henley reading a book !)
PS - this afternoon paraders came back for an evening repeat although judging by the amount of Sangria, sun, beer & wine few will remember tomorrow !